Theater: “Mary Gets Hers” at MCC
Scene: Saxony, 950 AD. Mary (the antic Haley Wong), the eponymous heroine of “Mary Gets Hers” (MCC), has fled a monastery where she has lived since the age of 8, and now resides in the outside world, where she has a private bedroom, and partakes of meat and—horrors—wine!
“Suitors woo me and tell me they love me. I ask them why. They don’t even know me.” The point playwright Emma Horowitz is making is that Christian worshippers do the same when they blindly tell God they love Him without giving a reason.
Wong and her fellow all-female cast members (from the Playwrights Realm ensemble) are talented actors trapped in Horowitz’s unfunny satire, with a plot as thin as the Holy Ghost. Let us hope MCC’s first production of the season is an outlier. Otherwise it’s Highway to Hell, baby.
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