G had a great observation about Las Vegas, way back when. “It’s like New Year’s Eve every night here,” he said. Well, if it’s razzle-dazzle choreography and a pastiche of 70 of the greatest pop songs in the last 50 years you want, “Moulin Rouge on Broadway” is your show. And we’re happy to report that it’s our show too.
As this is not a bona-fide musical, with an original score, don’t expect “My Fair Lady.” But do expect a queen: Karen Oliva—whom we loved in “West Side Story” a few years ago—is back, looking gorgeous and shining like the young Judy Garland In “Presenting Lily Mars.” Is there anything she can’t do—once she descends from a chandelier and breaks into “Diamonds Are Forever” a la Shirley Bassey, she is unstoppable, as an actress, singer, dancer and (cough) consumptive.
Aaron Tveit (rhymes with “great”) is her equal as the poor but handsome young songwriter who arrives in 19th century Montmartre, is promptly smitten by Oliva, and tries to woo her from the rich evil Duke (Tam Mutu, who wears leather pants and looks like a lot like Pete Townsend.) Danny Burstein as the queeny ringmaster of this three-ring circus is sensational, as always.
Much of the joy of this gigglefest derives from the mashup of the songs, hearing “Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi?” suddenly morph into Elton John’s “This is Your Song.” The songs stitch together a plot as thin as a pro cyclist. MR’s energy lags a bit in the second act, but is mercifully saved by a show-stopping ensemble number danced to Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance.” Oh and Btw you’d be wise to brush up on your pop repertoire beforehand, or Britney’s “Toxic” might slide right by you, unbeknownst. But hey, it’s all good. Remember...It’s Vegas, baby!
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Just love the way you make things come alive Augster. Takes me back to the fun days at DDB when we had a lot of laughs. TBH I’ve been reading your missives for ages so no big change. Just know where you hang out now. Much love from the bottom of the world.