As the third season of “Succession” wrapped this past Sunday, I wondered: who among them would win a contest for the Worst Person in the World?
First, I thought weak-willed Kendall might take the crown. After all, he did let a young Englishman drown while he drove a car off a road in a drug-induced stupor, then later foolishly attempted to bring down his father’s media empire.
Or would it be Roman, he with the motor mouth and quick wit—who sent d*ck pix to Gerry and was equally willing to do in the father he loved?
Perhaps it’d be Shiv, the most evil TV villainess since Livia in “I, Claudius.” For three seasons, she conspired any way she could to beat out Roman and become her father’s successor.
Tom the brother-in-law would be a strong contender. His 30 pieces of silver ensured he would have an exalted position in the new media empire.
My vote for Doctor Evil? It goes to paterfamilias Logan. In the finale he outwits his wretched children and wins, hands down.
I hated this family with the heat of a thousand sins. But I thank Jess Armstrong and his merrie band of writers for creating the most exciting television drama in ages.
Will there be a Season 4? O fates let it be so.
Definitely Logan. He eats and spits out his young. But they’re all pretty bad, Connor and Greg included.