Thanks Auggie, I love your reviews. You certainly did your homework regarding this film. I saw this on the big screen, and then on TV a few times, and can relate.
Getting the axe several times in my career didn't really upset me, especially when they spoke about unemployment insurance and vacation pay. No matter how nice they tried to be in explaining why my presence was no longer needed, they still sucked bit time.
An excellent movie and I have watched it many times. An excellent book as well, with a very very different ending.
so i’ve heard
Thanks Auggie, I love your reviews. You certainly did your homework regarding this film. I saw this on the big screen, and then on TV a few times, and can relate.
Getting the axe several times in my career didn't really upset me, especially when they spoke about unemployment insurance and vacation pay. No matter how nice they tried to be in explaining why my presence was no longer needed, they still sucked bit time.
Take care friend. Stay kind, stay safe.
Although I saw this movie years ago, I remember liking it.
These days, with Hedge Funds gobbling up businesses they have no business being involved in, Up in the Air remains timely and relevant.