Theater: “Judgment Day” @ Park Avenue Armory” (2020)
Park Avenue Armory productions are always a pip, and “Judgment Day,” Odom von Horvath’s 1937 play set in a small German town, is a real doozy.
A handsome stationmaster (Luke Kirby, who plays Lenny Bruce in “Mrs. Maisel”), momentarily distracted by a flirtatious young waitress (Susanna Parkins), misses throwing the switch and a horrified train accident ensues, killing 14 passengers. At the trial, he and the waitress lie under oath, are exonerated, but are wracked with guilt afterwards.
Brilliant exploration of how a hero becomes a villain, how public opinion turns on a dime, and how justice is served (or not). Directed by Richard Jones, who hasn’t lost his taste for spectacular sets (remember his “Hairy Ape?” also at the Armory) and adapted by Christopher Shinn (“Dying City”). Closing next week. Too bad; the Christmas trees are so pretty.